For him it will be the third consecutive season in the Virtussina shirt, he has now entered the affections and hearts of the Fano fans not only for his determination, energy and availability but also for his defensive technical skills: Mattia Raffa will once again wear the Smartsystem Fano shirt and this time he will do it in Serie A2. The libero Virtussino briefly focuses again on what has happened in recent months: “If I think about what we have done, it gives me shivers. We were extraordinary, demonstrating great compactness and confidence at the end of the season.”

Now chapter A2 opens, another category: “I am sure that Virtus will set up a team of value – continues Raffa – the level will rise with much better equipped teams. We must try to save ourselves calmly and without worries.”

Mattia Raffa has already played in an A2 championship, a couple of years ago in Mondovì, an unfortunate year that he can now redeem within a different context and city that thrives on volleyball: “I have now grown fond of Fano – concludes the former Brugherio – if we add to this the quality of the club in which I play and the warmth of the public, I think we can’t ask for anything else. I still remember the trip to San Donà with almost two hundred fans following, incredible. I invite everyone to continue to stay close to us next year to make the Fano crowd become the seventh man on the pitch again.”