The spiker Mattia Orioli, born in 2004, after four seasons spent in Ravenna, will become part of coach Jacopo Cuttini’s roster for the next SuperLega 2024_25 championship. “Padua is the best place I could have chosen,” he began.

Born in Cesena, Orioli grew up in the nursery of the Volley Club Cesena and participated in the Romagna in Volley youth project, taking part in several national finals with Porto Robur Costa Ravenna. Among the most significant were last year’s Under 19s, which led to the conquest of the scudetto, and the victory of this year’s Junior League. With his 198 cm height, from the 2020_21 to the 2023_24 season, he wore the colors of Consar Ravenna, of which the first two were in Serie A1.

The spiker from Cesena expressed all his enthusiasm for the start of this new adventure in the City of the Saint. “Arriving in Padua, in the SuperLega, represents an important milestone for me and, without a doubt, it will be a wonderful experience. I came from two seasons in A2 in Ravenna, where I played a championship that was difficult in some ways, but the SuperLega is another world. Having this opportunity is a source of great pride for me, so I’m curious to find out what the environment will be like.”

Mattia Orioli then added: “Padua is a city, and in particular a team, where we work very well, so I’m really happy about this. The main objective, as a team, will be to try to reach safety as soon as possible during the championship and to compete with everyone, regardless of the team we are facing, trying to give our best.”

On a personal level, Mattia sees the Juventus club as the ideal context for his growth from a sporting point of view: “I am convinced that it is a very good club for young guys like me. I know you work a lot, you train a lot and I hope I can improve more and more in every fundamental, with the help of my teammates and the staff. It’s the best place I could have chosen.”