It is the fourth season in the Serie A3 Credem Banca for Belluno Volley. And it is the fourth for Matteo Mozzato too. The twenty-two year old middleblocker, who grew up in orogranata with Volley Treviso, now considers the white and blue shirt a second skin. Because since the rhinos have been on the pitch in the third most important championship, he has been there. And also in the 2024-2025 season he is ready to take his place in net.

WORK – The collective, entrusted to the technical guidance of Matteo De Cecco, returned to the Spes Arena about ten days ago: «Even if it is physically demanding, the work in the gym is progressing very well – says Mozzato himself -. The first weeks of athletic training, as we know, are always hard and intense. But they are essential to get in shape at the start of the championship. Consequently, we have to grit our teeth and continue training.”

INTERNAL COMPETITION – Competition at the center has increased further: «I feel very comfortable with the other centers. I had the opportunity to hang out with Enrico Basso and Riccardo Cengia above all, even outside the gym, and we immediately had a good connection. Michele Luisetto, on the other hand, is still busy with the beach volleyball stages and I haven’t had the opportunity to fully get to know him yet. But I’m sure that we will get along well and that living with him in the apartment will be excellent. I can’t wait for him to return.”

CLIMATE – There is a splendid climate at the Spes Arena: «An excellent team group is emerging. We are aware that we have great potential and we have a common goal: this can already be seen in the gym. It is no coincidence that each of us gives our best. Furthermore, we also hang out outside of volleyball and there already seems to be a good chemistry.” There are essentially three priorities for the staff. And Mozzato, like the other rhinos, intends to respect them to the letter: «Commitment, dedication and mutual respect. Furthermore, from a personal point of view, I want to improve and have a good championship. But, above all, we aim to achieve the goals set by the company.”