The Gialloblu spiking department is enriched with the arrival of the young Modenese Matteo Meschiari.

Meschiari arrives after a more than positive season as captain of Gamma Chimica Brugherio, with behind him an Under 22 European Championship won last summer with the blue shirt, a Junior League (and related award as best player of the Tournament) with Brugherio in 2022 and a Challenge Cup with Powervolley Milan in the 2020-2021 season when coach Camperi also sat on the bench in the Milanese team.

“I fully embraced the Sarroch project because it best represents my objectives. A young team, but with great potential that will certainly be able to assert itself in an increasingly high-level championship.

Personally, I aspire to grow both on a human and volleyball level and I will put all my effort into helping my new teammates achieve their maximum goals.

I am also happy to find a very good coach in Sarroch who I have already had the pleasure of meeting in the Super League at Powervolley Milan like Camperi.

The conditions for doing well are all there, therefore I expect many fans in the arena to fight with us.

Come on Sarroch, see you soon!”