The setter born in ’96 and originally from Treviso knows well the new category that the red and whites will face, having played in A2 with important shirts, as well as being able to boast two seasons in the Super League. Marsili was among the protagonists of last year’s promotion and will be among the pillars of the new Volley Banca Macerata.

“I bet on Macerata last year,” says Marsili, “Convinced that it was the right project to return to playing in A2, which was my goal. Everything went as I hoped and I’m happy to be able to face this new adventure in red and white: in Macerata I found an ambitious and professional club, an ideal environment to work and live in; I have full faith in coach Castellano and the team, I know we can do well.” It will be a different Volley Banca Macerata, with many new features to face a new category, “We are preparing for a competitive championship, with many high-level opponents that we will meet in a single group, which raises the quality of the tournament. The teams are technically and physically stronger than in A3, with many experienced players, we also saw this in the friendlies we played last season against Grottazzolina and Pineto. The company has aimed to improve and I am satisfied with the group that has been built.”

Marsili is a guarantee for Coach Castellano, “He is the metronome of the team, capable of managing moments of difficulty. The best example of his qualities was seen in game 3 against Mantova, which earned him promotion to A2. This category belongs to him, he wanted to conquer it and this year represents an important step in his growth process.”