Mario Tagarelli, Chartered Accountant and Contract Lecturer in economic disciplines at the Jonico Department of the University of Bari, former President of the Order of Chartered Accountants, is a very valuable collaborator for Gioiella Prisma.

He has been assisting the Taranto Prisma Volley company since 27 May 2020, i.e. since its inception, for all tax and corporate matters. He has gained particular experience in the field of tax and civil issues of sports entities, having also dealt professionally in the past with the football and basketball sectors.

He takes care of the accounting and tax obligations of the sports club by preparing the documentation required by the Volleyball League for periodic checks and for registration in the championship. Particularly burdensome is the commitment relating to the preparation of the financial statements, which the President and Vice President keep in balance with great commitment both from an economic, equity and financial point of view. He constantly communicates with the General Director Vito Primavera and has addressed the new provisions of Legislative Decree 36/2021, in force since July 1, in a pragmatic and precise manner.

The figure of Dr. Tagarelli is increasingly important considering the new reform on sports work and from this year also for new obligations such as the appointment of a Safeguarding manager against abuse, violence and discrimination.

The professional explains how the reform has affected companies and what it has entailed in general, positive and negative sides at a bureaucratic level.

“As is known, the enabling law 86/2019 for the reform of sport has generated five implementing legislative decrees, among which the one which had an immediate impact since last July 1st was Legislative Decree 36/2021, containing provisions on matters of professional and amateur sports bodies, as well as sports work.

It should be noted that in order to make the new legal provisions fully operational, other measures had to be issued, several of which have not yet been adopted; think of the limit within which sports bodies can carry out different activities because these can be defined as secondary or of the methods of drawing up the single labor register through the single national register of amateur sports activities or of the discipline relating to safety techniques for construction , modification, accessibility and operation of sports facilities.