Marco Volpato’s level confirmation for Cuneo Volley. Signed last year by the Superlega di Padova, the middle blocker from Vicenza will still be an important weapon in the holster of the white and blue club. Last season “Fox” placed 2nd in Serie A2 position with 329 points and 1st in points scored in the Breakpoint phase (237).

« I’m happy to still be part of an organized and equipped club like Cuneo, which can also boast a superior category of fans and arena. The season that awaits us will be even tougher than the last, we will have to take advantage of everything that in the year just ended brought us to second place in the championship and know how to smooth out the imperfections that then held us back. I’m anxious to meet up with last year’s teammates combined with the enthusiasm and desire to do well of the new guys who will arrive in Cuneo. As far as I’m concerned, I hope to rediscover the daily life and routine that made me feel good in Cuneo and to repeat last year’s performances, and why not, maybe be able to improve them. See you (again) at the sports hall!» – these are Marco Volpato’s first statements on the new season and the continuation in white and blue.