The middle blocker Marco Bragatto, after four seasons of “experience” in Serie A3 Credem Banca, arrives in the second national category, and does so with the Pool Libertas Cantù shirt. He appears for the first time in the third national series with the Sa.Ma shirt. Portomaggiore. With Abba Pineto he won his first trophies in the category (DelMonte® Coppa Italia Serie A3 and DelMonte® Supercoppa Serie A3). But it was with the Erm Group San Giustino shirt that his definitive consecration came: best central defender at the end of the Regular Season (tied with Francesco Guastamacchia of Personal Time San Donà di Piave), and above all 11 blocks in the match against Aurispa DelCar Lecce (“It was a great satisfaction for me, also because it was a seasonal record up to that point, but it didn’t last long because two weeks later Katalan scored 14 in three sets, and ‘took away the scene’ from me. Well done to him”) .

Coach Alessandro Mattiroli comments on the new entry: “Marco is a player who used to play in Serie A3, but I had the opportunity to follow his matches, and he impressed me a lot. Among those who were ‘in my notebook’, he was first on the list in his role, also because he was among the best central defenders in the category, and he stood out a lot. It’s true that he has no experience in Serie A2, but he also has important qualities on a physical level that he will certainly be able to develop, and I am convinced that he will be able to do well in this series too.”

These, however, are the player’s words: “I’m very excited: this will be my first experience in Serie A2! I had been ‘looking for it’ for a long time, and as soon as Cantù’s proposal arrived I accepted it. The championship will be competitive, there will be a lot to learn, but as it is the first experience for me I will be able to evaluate better at the end of the first part. On a personal level, I aim to improve myself as the level will rise, and to be able to confirm myself in this category too.”