Renamed “popular leader” for his extraordinary ability to incite the crowds, among the “superheroes” who led the Yuasa Battery to its first historic promotion to the Super League, Andrea Marchisio is perhaps the one who, more than anyone else, has the self -regenerating power, dictated by his innate propensity to stimulate cheering and, with it, increasingly increase one’s performance. Marchisio is a man for hot spots, a perfect player for those places where teams and fans, if appropriately stimulated, can become a single, granite block.
Technically indisputable in the fundamentals of the second line, it doesn’t take long to understand that Serie A2 was a little tight for Andrea Marchisio: in the last two seasons, in fact, the individual ranking of reception specialists has only had one “king “, him. Year 2022-23, Castellana Grotte, New Mater side, 25 matches played (99 sets) and an exceptional average of 41.40% of balls put into the hands of the setter; big numbers, difficult to repeat, which immediately attracted the attention of an ambitious Yuasa Battery. Year 2023-24, 26 matches played (100 sets), that same average even rises to 41.81%. Impressive, a reception automaton, rather than a specialist. And now, deservedly, the return to the Super League, after the five-year period spent in the Lube jersey from 2017 to 2022 as the alter ego of authentic sacred monsters in the role, first the French Olympic champion Jenia Grebennikov and then the libero of the Italian national team Fabio Balaso. This time, however, Andrea Marchisio’s return to the Olympus of world volleyball will be a return as a protagonist, thanks to the unconditional trust that the Grottazzolina club has placed in him and which, with his performances, the Piedmontese athlete has amply repaid.

Marchisio, for her it will be a return to the Super League, this time as a protagonist; emotions and sensations?
“Definitely a great emotion, because I will be a starter for the first time at 33 years of age in the top flight and it is a goal that I have dreamed of since I was a kid. I have a great desire to test myself in this new challenge and also demonstrate to myself that it is the category for me and for Grottazzolina”

For the moment the club has made official only one new face, Zhukouski, who you know well having had him as a teammate at Lube. A judgment on him?
“Tsimafei is a golden boy outside the gym and inside he will bring experience and talent, I am very happy with his arrival because both in training and in matches he is a great competitor and professional who will certainly encourage us to give our best”