Manuel Benassi will be the new assistant coach of Avimecc Modica who will join coach Enzo Distefano in the next A3 series championship.

A past as a player at good levels, Manuel Benassi has already worked with the blue and white team where he took care of the youth sector.

Now his most important commitment is with the first team, where he will try to make available his experience gained first as a player and then as a coach.

“The fact that this – explains Manuele Benassi – is the volleyball that I have always had as a player pushed me to accept this role that Volley Modica offered me. Now I have to interpret it as a technician and try to collaborate in the best possible way, hoping to be up to par with Enzo Distefano, who I respect as a person, as a technician and as a professional. I will try to stay alongside the boys in the best possible way in the different situations that can arise within the group and give my 360° contribution. I believe that – he continues – Volley Modica can have an important role in the championship, where the objective is to improve the result of the last championship, where the play offs were achieved and perhaps try to go as far as possible. Unfortunately, last season injuries penalized the team at the crucial moment of the season. I am happy and motivated and I hope to give my contribution to achieving the objectives we have set ourselves. I expect a very balanced championship towards the top – concludes Manuel Benassi – from the moment in which the level has risen a lot, therefore, we will have to interpret every match to the maximum at home and away regardless of the ranking and the team we are going to play face”.

Benassi, therefore, will work alongside Enzo Distefano who knows well the technical and human qualities of the Argentine coach with whom he has worked in the past.

“I consider myself totally satisfied with the choice of Manuel Benassi as my deputy – explains coach Enzo Distefano – a great professional for whom I have great respect and above all my great friend with whom I shared perhaps my best years of my volleyball. In the past he was one of the most experienced players, who also played at high levels in Serie A. I would have wanted him as second last year, but for personal reasons, Manuel had to decline the offer. This year – he continues – all the components finally fit together well and the dream of working together came true. We have always had mutual trust when we worked together and I am happy that Manuel agreed to be part of my staff.