The news had been in the air for some time, but yesterday evening the official announcement arrived: Fano (province of Pesaro and Urbino) will host the Final Four of the Del Monte Coppa Italia Serie A3, Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd March, in the frame of the Pala Allende.

Gabbiano Mantova will therefore be the protagonist of the first semi-final, scheduled for Saturday 2 March (time yet to be defined) against the hosts Smartsystem Fano, currently third in the Blue group. To follow, the other match between Monge Gerbaudo Savigliano and Omifer Palmi , respectively third in the White group and fifth in the Blue group. The two winning teams will compete for the trophy on Sunday 3 March.

«We are ready for this Final Four – explains sports director Nicola Artoni – a goal that we have achieved with full merit, and which we will enjoy everything about. We will go to Fano without pressure, with the desire to have fun and cover as much ground as possible.”

Meanwhile, coach Serafini’s team is working in the gym to best prepare for the third match this year with Cus Cagliari, scheduled for Saturday 3 February at 3.30pm at the PalaSguaitzer. The opposite Novello and the hammer Parolari are definitely still absent. However, Serafini can count on the depth of a roster that has so far given ample guarantees.