Manlio Puxeddu will be the second coach of the Gialloblu for the next championship alongside Marco Camperi.

“I chose Sarroch because I like his project, from year to year he has always tried to set up increasingly competitive teams and this demonstrates foresight and ability to plan a project in the long term. For the second year of A3 I am sure that we will have our say and then I have already been part of the club in the past and with great pleasure I will be back for the next season.

Another reason that made me choose Sarroch was Marco Camperi’s arrival at the helm of the first team, we have known each other since 2006, when he was an assistant at Crema and had already been on the staff of the Italian national team for a few years with Montali and I was a scout and assistant of Roberto Santilli in Tiscali Cagliari. We then met in the Champions League, me as an assistant in Berlin and him in Civitanova, in short, we had the opportunity to get to know each other and compare notes, Marco is a very prepared and reliable coach, there are all the conditions to work well”