Roberto Malaguti remains on the technical staff of Belluno Volley. Compared to last year, however, his role changes: from technical collaborator (or third coach) to assistant coach. In fact, he will be the “right-hand man” of coach Matteo De Cecco.

PRIDE – «This assignment – explains Malaguti – makes me very happy and is a source of profound pride. I will give my best to help reach new goals.” The group is of absolute quality: «The players are all professionals and driven by a common goal. The relationship with them will develop progressively as the season progresses.” There is no doubt that the conditions are there for an intriguing year: «The most important aspect in the collaboration between the various staff members is the trust that one places in the other. Without trust, the conditions to work at our best would be lacking.”

COMMITMENTS – Parallel to his commitment to volleyball, the rhinos’ second coach has a profession that involves him in everyday life: «I try to fit everything together. When I’m done working, I head to the gym and, once my workouts are done, I run home. I am lucky to have a family that supports me.” For Malaguti, the appeal of volleyball is something visceral: «I love this sport. I discovered him during a tournament at the seaside when I was little and, from that moment on, it was love at first sight.” A love that grows stronger over time: «Also thanks to the people who enrich this discipline. For example, Fefè De Giorgi: a profile with great human qualities and a reference technician.”

FAMILY – Malaguti is ready to immerse himself for the third year in a row in the magical world of Belluno Volleyball: «Being part of the rhinos means being part of a big family».