He is a sort of “workaholic” of volleyball: indoors and on the sand. Michele Luisetto, the new middle blocker of Belluno Volley, is literally in love with the magical world of slam dunks. A world that you frequent twelve months a year. Even in summer: the twenty-eight year old from Abano Terme, in fact, is also a beach volleyball athlete. And at a high level: «After the end of the journey with Motta – he said during the presentation press conference – I stayed still for a week and then, followed by a nutritionist and some trainers, I started training for the summer season. Together with my “partner” Giacomo Spadoni, I will face about ten tournaments: starting in Bibione, next weekend.”

GRIT – The mind runs towards the sea and the sand, but also towards the Spes Arena: «When I faced Belluno Volley, as an opponent, I was always amazed by the professionalism of the club, in addition to the warmth of the environment. Furthermore, here I meet sporting director Carniel, with whom I have been working for three years now. I am convinced of the project: the club is ambitious and has objectives in line with mine.” Luisetto is excited: «I will bring a lot of determination. I don’t intend to leave anything to chance: in addition to giving everything, I hope to motivate my teammates.” In Motta, and beyond, he showed off a vast repertoire of shots: «I am a central attackman and, in general, I consider myself quite complete. I may not be very tall, but I have jumping qualities that allow me to get out of various situations”

GOALS – There are many objectives: «Starting off on the right foot is important to have a better chance of participating in the Italian Cup and a possible Super Cup. These are goals that the team can aspire to. We know that by working hard and day after day, the results come.” Luisetto already knows a good part of the group: «They are valuable guys, on a technical and human level». Among them there is also captain Bisi, with whom Michele shared the parquet and locker room in Brescia: «A great worker. And an athlete who, when it counts, takes responsibility. Finding him again is a real pleasure.”