The strength of a staff is also given by those professionals who are perhaps rarely seen, but are greatly felt, thanks to their competence and professionalism. For this reason, Tinet has for years been placing the muscles and joints of its athletes in the expert hands of Luca Vivan who manages the yellow-blue physiotherapy sector with great expertise, ensuring complete recoveries and efficient players for the Serie A2 technical staff. Luca has the Prata shirt tattooed on him, having spent his entire career as a player with the Prata shirt, from the youth sector to the first team. Then he moved behind the… sunbed from the 2017 season.

“In recent years the work has changed – underlines Vivan – because, thanks to the company’s efforts it is possible to give more presence and continuity both during training and in matches. And then from this year it will be possible to make a further leap in quality considering that the PalaPrata will be equipped with a physiotherapy area with lots of space and adequate, cutting-edge equipment”.

A gem, that of the club’s well-equipped physiotherapy area, which few A2 and even Super League teams can boast. “But the improvement does not only come through machines: for a couple of years the physiotherapy staff that I manage has been enriched by a precious element: Alessandro Scarabel. With him, who is a colleague, but also with the interdisciplinary comparison with top-level coaches and trainers, important indications emerged. But we were also fortunate to have a technical staff that was always attentive and ready to accept the indications that came from the physiotherapy sector and from the trainers. There was truly good teamwork and a good blend which then led to the results of these years.”

Unity of purpose is the key “I believe it is fundamental. And this has always been a constant in Volley Prata, starting from the management and ending with the athletes. Everyone rowed on the same side. So the results did not arrive by luck, but thanks to a solid project and a lot of foresight.”

Vivan has been in Prata for many years, but the enthusiasm is still at its highest “I keep to myself the many episodes and the rewards received from the players. In addition to seeing the team playing well, it is gratifying to perceive the trust that the club continues to place in our work, even after years and it is a source of pride and satisfaction for me.”