17 years and a long journey in the youth team of the Pink Devils crowned with great goals: Italian Under 17 Champion in the 2022/23 season, several national podiums achieved and called up to the national team several times in the pre-junior national teams. Standing over two meters tall, Romano presents himself as a very interesting prospect and will have a key role of responsibility in a young and courageous first team that will represent Brugherio in the 2024/2025 Serie A3 Credem Banca championship.

He is the rough diamond on which the Rosanero management is betting.

Coach Danilo Durand comments with pride and satisfaction on Romano’s promotion to Serie A: “Luca is a talent in our youth sector. He is a boy who works well both in position 4 and 2 and we think he can have a very high-level future as a spiker. Boy over two meters tall with excellent second line fundamentals. We are convinced that this year with the Serie A group he can have great growth both from a technical point of view and from a mental and character point of view. He will certainly have an important role also at a playing level and I cannot hide my great curiosity to see the results that we will achieve with him during the season.”

Luca Romano comments on his arrival in the first team as follows: “For me, this achievement represents a dream that comes true, step by step. Officially joining the first team squad of the club I grew up with is an honor and a great privilege. I believe that this result is the fruit of a lot of commitment, dedication and sacrifice, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue to grow and improve in an environment that has always supported and valued me. I imagine my first season in Serie A as an exciting challenge, full of new experiences and opportunities to learn. I am determined to give my best in every training session and match, thus trying to constantly improve my level of play. As for goals, I want to solidify my place on the team, prove my worth and grow both as an athlete and as a person. I will always make myself completely available to the staff and the team, thus hoping to contribute to achieving important goals together with my teammates. I would like to thank my family for their unconditional support, the coaches who guided and supported me along the way, and my teammates for welcoming me and encouraging me to always give my best.