The last prop has arrived. Luca Presta completes the middle blockers department and the roster of ABBA Pineto which will present itself at the start of the 2024/25 Serie A2 Credem Banca season. Calabrian, born in 1995, Presta will ensure experience and quality for the white and blue team in a sector where he will find the already official Matteo Zamagni and Michael Molinari.

Last season the player originally from Belvedere Marittimo wore the WOW Green House Aversa shirt, dueling with Pineto to achieve salvation. For him there were also important experiences with BCC Castellana Grotte (A2) and Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia, where, between the Super League and Serie A2, he played for six seasons – at senior level – between 2013 and 2019. With the Calabrians Presta triumphed twice in Italian A2 Cup (2015 and 2016). Still a lot of second series with Mondovì and Prima Taranto (with the championship victory in 2021), a club that preceded the moves to Castellana – where it had already won the play-offs in 2017 – and then, lastly, to Aversa. His career roster includes 325 matches in 12 seasons and 1671 points.

Luca Presta’s first words as a blue and white player: “I’m really happy to arrive in Pineto. I didn’t have to think twice about this possibility. Even as an opponent I have always admired the environment and the warmth of the sports hall that a person from the south like me can only love. And then the fact of finding Paolo and Zama (Di Silvestre and Zamagni ed.), as well as the club’s determination in looking for me, made the difference. I repeat: I didn’t have to think twice. Naturally, each player has his own objectives which, when placed in a team context, mean that together we can pursue common goals and get where we set ourselves. I’m very positive and can’t wait to get started.”

Finally, a thought for the fans: “I was also born by the sea: I know the song ‘Gente di mare’ very well and I will be one of the first to sing it. Pineto fans can rest assured about this.”