Matteo Marsiglietti has a crucial role in Emma Villas Siena. In fact, he is the athletic trainer of the Sienese team, and this is the second consecutive season in which he has held this position. Marsiglietti was confirmed in the role of athletic trainer, a fundamental job for the Sienese team throughout the championship and probably even more so in a phase in which the players must be led to optimal physical preparation in view of the start of the championship.

The first day of the championship will see Emma Villas Siena face Aversa at home: the match will be played on 6 October, and will see coach Gianluca Graziosi’s team engaged at PalaEstra against the Campania team. Before that date the Sienese will face a whole series of friendly matches, the first of which is scheduled for 11 September at home against San Giustino, a Serie A3 team.

“The work is going well – was the comment of Matteo Marsiglietti in the first days of the season of work and preparation. – The fact that we found ourselves in Cascia for a first week of training camp was already very positive, something that brings together people and is good for the group, also considering that there are some important new additions to the roster. We started working as best we could by carrying out physical tests, as is usually done at the start of the season, and then with both physical and technical sessions to try to get in the best possible condition at the start of the championship.”

Matteo Marsiglietti again: “This phase is fundamental, both to get to know each other better and to try to create the ideal amalgam to be able to face as a group-team what will be a decidedly challenging season. Physical work is crucial to lay the foundations so that the condition remains optimal throughout the season. I ask the boys for commitment and seriousness, but I must say that these two characteristics are not lacking in this group. I see very motivated players, with enthusiasm and a great desire to work. The fact that the group is made up of a base of people who were also part of it last season is in my opinion a decidedly important aspect, I also said this to the club at the time of my renewal. Having an excellent relationship with the various figures that make up the staff can certainly help and facilitate the work you are going to do. I am very satisfied and happy with all the confirmations there have been in the team.”