Belluno Volley is back on the road for a new away match. Always in Lombardy. And always to face an A2 opponent, in the second joint training session of the season. After having marched one set (out of three) at Libertas Cantù, the rhinos will face one of the most popular teams in the second series in order of importance: Gruppo Consoli Sferc Brescia. A reality that, last year, raised two trophies: the Italian Cup and the A2 Super Cup. Furthermore, to an already strong staff, he has added a European champion like Oreste Cavuto, ex Itas Trentino. The appointment is for tomorrow (Saturday 21 September, 5pm), at the San Filippo Sports Centre.

REFINE THE UNDERSTANDING – It is the second stage of the pre-season. And Gianluca Loglisci will find himself faced with his past: «It will be an important race, given that it will allow us to test what we are doing in the gym. We still have to take care of various details and refine the understanding between us, also because we are a new and deep roster.” The opponent is of the highest rank: «Brescia is a super equipped team, among the candidates to move up to the Super League. For this reason, it will be necessary to show off an adequate approach and take to the field with the right motivation.”

ADJUSTMENTS – There are two aspects in particular on which the twenty-six-year-old spiker and former player (he was in the city of the Mille Miglia in the 2022-2023 season) is confident of registering the most significant improvements: «It is necessary to adjust the block-defense correlation and even the joke. The ball change, however, is already quite fluid: or at least, that’s how it was in the first outing with Cantù. So much so that we are training him a lot.”