At Atlantide we are proceeding at full speed not only to build a competitive sextet for next season, but also to give greater structure to the technical-managerial area. On Tuesday afternoon, guests of President Ieraci at the McDonald’s restaurant in Piazza Vittoria in Brescia, the libero Nicolò Hoffer – who takes over the baton from Nicola Pesaresi who moved to Trento – and Federico Papa, the new white-blue General Manager, were presented to the press.

Nicolò Hoffer, born in 2000 and 180cm tall, has already had six seasons in Serie A under his belt. His talent emerged in Segrate’s youth team and at the end of the 2016-2018 two-year period he was sent to the Super League, where he spent two years with Allianz Milan as Nic Pesaresi’s second, making his debut in the 2019 Challenge Cup. In the following season he won promotion from A2 with Taranto and then remained in the category in Lagonegro before moving to Gas Sales, where he was the second libero paired with the former Tucano Leo Scanferla. In the two-year period in Emilia he consolidated his self-awareness and won his first Italian Cup. Having received Consoli’s proposal, Hoffer has no doubts: “I have been coming to Piacenza for two years where I have been able to compare myself daily with the best that this sport offers. Now I feel ready to test myself, for the leap that will allow me to demonstrate my worth, first and foremost to myself. I am happy to be able to do it in Brescia, an ideal context in my opinion for this phase of my career. I have already had the opportunity to test the parquets in the category, I know how difficult and unpredictable the A2 championship is and I expect a tough and complicated year, but I am sure that if we know how to work in the right way – and Brescia has shown that it knows how to do it in the last years -, it will also be a season full of emotions and, why not, of goals”.

Today’s news also concerns the arrival of a General Manager in the company who will have the aim of providing support to the organizational and management structure of Atlantide. Federico Papa is a very well-known face in Brescia volleyball, a solid figure with important technical experience behind him. A 49-year-old banking manager, he has coached both the men’s and women’s sectors for around thirty years, helping the youth sector to grow in Montichiari for several years. He served as provincial men’s selector for seven years, winning several trophies. The last few seasons have seen him protagonist of the fantastic promotions from series D to B2 of the Brescia Volley women’s association.