A great satisfaction arrives for the youth sector of the Volley Team Club San Donà. Leo Davanzo has been called up for the Regions Trophy which will be played in Corigliano Calabro in the province of Cosenza. Davanzo, born in 2008, will represent Fipav Veneto. These are the others called up: Mattia Bertanza (Verona Volley), Francesco Biondo (Volle Treviso), Andrea Bubacco (Volle Treviso), Ioele Costa (Montecchio), Riccardo Dalla Ventura (Clodia AICS), Francesco Lucato (Padova), Ludovico Pasut (Dual Volley Dossobuono), Erik Rendina (Padua), Giosuè Saraconi (Montecchio), Amerigo Tanga (Padua). Coach Giorgio Sabbadin.

Good luck to Leo and all his teammates.