Tinet Prata has its new opposite. This is Kristian Gamba, a newly 24-year-old from Aosta (his birthday was just yesterday: happy birthday!) who with his left-footed shot has been the terror of the Serie A2 rearguards for some years.
Gamba arrives at Cantù for two years and thus recomposes with Alessio Alberini a diagonal that in recent years has led first Motta and then, precisely Cantù, to the top of the category. Kristian has scored almost 3000 points in just 6 Serie A seasons, his first as a very young player with Club Italia. In blue he won a silver at the U21 World Championships in 2018-2019 and several individual awards as best attacker in the national youth category finals. Last season he was the second most prolific striker in Serie A2 and the second best hitter with 49 aces.

“My arrival in Prata was quick – confirms the striker in place 2 – I was enthusiastic about the call from the club and it took very little to convince me to move. Here again I find Alessio Alberini who has always spoken well to me about the environment. We are friends even off the pitch and it is nice to find someone with whom I have always been very close. Changing cities isn’t easy, but finding a friend allows you to take decisive steps forward in settling in. We have always been close-knit on the pitch and I believe we will continue to do so.”

You came to play here for the first time six years ago with the Club Italia shirt. How did you perceive the company from the outside?

“If I had to define my impressions with one word it would be progress. I have been to Prata, but also to the Cornacchia Cup several times and here in the area I have always received a lot of warmth from fans and enthusiasts. I’m really excited to find a dynamic environment”

You bring with you years of experience, almost always among the best strikers in the championship. If you had to define yourself as a player what words would you use?

“I find it really difficult to do this, but I can guarantee one thing: I will always strive to give 110% of my possibilities, without ever getting tired. Then, by doing this, you may also obtain excellent results. And then I want to continue to grow on the personal side too because I believe that this is always the first objective for an athlete”