Nicolò Katalan is still yellow and blue. The first confirmation of the year is that of the Trieste central defender who will be preparing to live his fifth season in the Tinet shirt. Almost 100 matches were played with the Prata shirt and 715 points ended up in the bag, of which 236 were obtained via blocks. Block which is a fundamental characteristic of Nicolò who this year against Castellana Grotte also obtained the Serie A record for blocks captured in a single match (14).

“It will be my fifth year in the gialloblù – begins Nicolò – and it fills me with pride. This year we have made some progress compared to last season of A2, but despite this I was left with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. At team level because I am convinced that we could have given and done something more and I think it is a shame that we went out like this in both the Play Offs and the Italian Cup. On a personal level, I would have liked to give my contribution until the end, but I am aware that injuries, however unpleasant, are part of the game and life of an athlete and it is also necessary to respect deadlines for returning. A bitter taste in the mouth which however is a stimulus for next year, to seek new goals and to try to improve more and more even on an individual level”.

An important change concerns the staff. Have you already spoken to the new coach and what are your impressions?

“We are aware that the change will be important also because with Boninfante, Papi and Brusadin we spent wonderful years, gaining great satisfaction together. However, as professionals as we are, we realize that cycles end and our intention is to start again with a new one that can be equally rewarding. Talking to Mario gave me energy because I felt he was truly enthusiastic and I am convinced that we will work together as best we can with the idea of ​​achieving increasingly important results”

What are your expectations for next season?

“I am convinced that the championship will prove to be increasingly competitive, as it has been in these two years. It may be tough, but I am of the opinion that the work ethic that we have built in Prata over the years will allow us to gain some satisfaction. Once the transfer market is over, we will know what the values ​​on the pitch could be on paper, even if we will focus mainly on the quality of our volleyball, trying to be ready right away.”