This was known, but it was perfectly confirmed on the field. Jernej Terpin is one of the most consistent and effective players in the entire A2 Series and the construction of a team that will excite PalaPrata could only start from his reconfirmation.
On the other hand, throughout the season the spiker from Gorizia represented a security that Alberini and Bellanova often relied on in decisive moments. Not to mention the obscure but invaluable work carried out on the second line in the fundamentals of reception and defense.

“We are returning from a very long season, characterized by many ups and downs – comments JJ at the time of the renewal – but we can only consider it positive considering that, as also underlined by president Vecchies, we have achieved all the objectives we had set ourselves beginning of the season. And I believe that all of us, from first to last, thanks to the great work done, have also improved technically compared to how we started the season. And this is not a secondary factor and this happened because all the staff, including the athletic and physiotherapy staff, did an excellent job.”

Staff which however will be partially renewed with the arrival of Mario Di Pietro

“We spoke to each other a few days ago. I liked it because I felt immediately involved and it was a pleasant chat about each other’s volleyball philosophy, with a discussion on the ideas that we will then see implemented on the pitch. “

What do you expect from next season?

“A tough championship, perhaps even more difficult and of a high level than this year’s, which was already no joke. I already see very strong teams that are candidates for victory such as Catania, Cuneo and Brescia. We are trying to put a spoke in the wheels of these teams. We will have to work a lot because perhaps at the moment we are not as strong as they think. On our side we will have excellent qualities and even less pressure because we don’t feel obliged to win the championship at all costs.”