Dreams are something wonderful. And everyone in the Personal Time environment hoped after reaching the final to be able to move up to Serie A2. That wonderful dream was shattered with Fano, honor and credit to the people of the Marche for getting on the lift that takes you to the upper floor and good luck for the new category. It’s rightly party time for you, enjoy it together with the public. We must always remember where we come from, where we started and where we wanted to arrive. At the starting line in August the group coached by Daniele Moretti set out to maintain the category without suffering too much, along the way the locker room consolidated and for long stretches they were at the top of the White group rankings arriving in third place in the final. Then the play offs with Cus Cagliari, Lagonegro, Mantova and Fano. The final with Fano is recent history.
It was nice to dream with these kids, to see a caterpillar become a butterfly and making San Donà who loves volleyball rejoice. In his debut on the bench, Moretti showed how young ideas can always be brilliant, behind him all the players who had the desire to improve at every training session in the gym. A healthy group. A group with a capital G and great human values.

Behind them the whole club, each carrying out their task with passion and fun.

Sport is always fun, a way to breathe joy and sacrifices deeply.

It was nice to dream. Thanks to those who supported us with their own resources and to those who believed in the work of the Volley Team Club San Donà. The final is the result of great team work where everyone put their piece together to compose the puzzle.

Let’s hug each other anyway and smile. All that was missing was the icing on the cake. The dessert, even without the cherry, made us enjoy it quite a bit.