The Vnl 2024, the first international summer event reserved for national selections and a starter for the Paris Olympics, ended with yesterday’s two finals. The last act of the event was the Final Eight in Lodz in Poland which ended with the final victory of France.
The Block Devils won two medals at the event played on Polish soil.
Yuki Ishikawa returns with the silver medal and the award for best spiker of the competition who with his Japan, after defeating Canada 3-0 in the quarter-finals and Slovenia again 3-0 in the semi-finals, only surrendered in the final to the transalpine training. The Japanese hammer played a very important Final Eight, scoring 26 points in the quarter-finals, 21 in the semi-finals and 17 in the final, fully deserving individual recognition.
Bronze instead for Kamil Semeniuk’s Poland. The home team, after defeating Brazil 3-1 in the quarter-finals, narrowly missed out on reaching the final by losing the semi-final against France in the fifth set (16-18 tie break score) and then redeeming themselves in the 3rd/4th place final with a clear 3-0 over Slovenia. The black and white hammer was little used, but always ready whenever it was called upon.
Stop in the quarter-finals instead for the third Block Devils present in Lodz Agustin Loser who with his Argentina stops immediately after five sets of great battle with Slovenia. 9 points for the next Juventus center back.
Stop to the quarterfinals also for Fefè De Giorgi’s Italy which presented itself at the epilogue of the VNL with a very young squad and leaving some of the “senators” who won the Olympic pass in Italy to work in view of Paris, including also the Bianconeri Simone Giannelli and Roberto Russo.
Speaking of Paris, the attention of world volleyball now shifts to the Olympics starting in less than a month with the participating teams starting the final preparation phase. Ishikawa is already sure of his call-up, while Argentina, Poland and Italy have yet to communicate the 12+1 players who will be part of the Olympic expedition. Net of possible last-minute changes, everything suggests that Semeniuk, Loser, Giannelli and Russo will also be among the protagonists of Paris2024.