It’s time to put the intense work of the last three weeks to good use. And, above all, to test it through a highly difficult test: tomorrow (Wednesday 18 September), in fact, Belluno Volley will be on stage in the province of Como, for the first joint training of its season. At the Villa Guardia sports hall, the rhinos will face an A2 team such as Campi Reali Cantù. First meeting at 4.45pm.

PERSONALITY – The collective led by Alessandro Mattiroli, and in which a former player like Marco Novello appears, has already left three matches behind: with Cuneo (only defeat), Brugherio and Reggio Emilia. In short, beyond the indisputable depth of the opponent, Matteo De Cecco’s boys will face a team that is even more advanced in their work: «In any case – De Cecco specifies – we would like to see a group that, despite the delay of preparation and the category gap compared to the Brianza club, expresses himself on the pitch with personality.”

STIMULUS – Along the way of their pre-season, the Belluno team will mainly face A2 sextets: in this sense, on Saturday 21st they will face the Gruppo Consoli Sferc Brescia, again in Lombardy. And, to follow, a double head-to-head with Pordenone’s Tinet Prata is scheduled: «The “choice” is almost obligatory, as the clubs closest to us play in higher categories – continues the biancoblù coach -. We believe it is an excellent stimulus from a competitive point of view, as well as an important opportunity to compete with organized teams.”

SHARING – In the meantime, the preparation at the Spes Arena continues in the best possible way: «In total agreement and sharing with the staff, especially the trainers.