All in one night. In or out. La Rinascita Lagonegro will play for their place in the playoffs, tomorrow starting at 6pm, in the return match against San Donà di Piave. The defeat seven days ago at Villa d’Agri (3-1) did not compromise qualification for the semi-finals, but tomorrow only one result is allowed, the victory, to drag the Venetians to game 3, possibly to be played at home in front of the own fans. The disappointment was bitter, also because Lorizio’s boys started off on the right foot by winning the first set, then surprised in the next three, where the Venetians showed more tenacity and attachment to the match. Despite this, the group – after a very respectable regular season – fully deserved to play for the playoffs. And it is precisely on the mental aspect that Lorizio has concentrated his efforts during the week: in San Donà it will be fundamental to approach the match well and keep the opponents on edge, working on the fundamentals by exploiting every slightest mistake. In inside or outside races like this, the details are important, and Lorizio is fully aware of this: “We will put everything we have into play to bring San Donà back to our home. The boys deserved to get to this point in the championship and they are I’m sure they won’t drop a single ball.” As usual, the coach will rely on the offensive verve of the championship’s best scorer, Edvinas Vaskelis, who scored 27 points in the first leg. Armenante (15 points) and Fioretti (8) are also hot, as are the central defenders Molinari and Pizzichini, whose words are a sign of hope and confidence for the entire group: “Last Sunday was the classic point/point match of the playoffs , where every single detail made the difference. We respect our opponents a lot, but our primary focus is limited to ourselves. To overturn the result of game 1, we will need even more energy and determination, the synergistic work of the group will be fundamental: we have worked. intensely throughout the season to experience moments like these, so we are in a position to face the race.” Keys to the game entrusted to director Lorenzo Piazza, behind to defend the always decisive Nicola Fortunato, Nicotra, Bongiorno and the rest of the bench ready to make their contribution if necessary. All together for a dream called, first of all, game 3. Then the semi-final, waiting there. The referees will be Messrs. Marco Laghi and Antonio Testa, the appointment for all fans is set at 5.50 pm for the live streaming on the official Youtube channel of the Serie A LegaVolley.