A climate of celebration and full involvement, on the evening of Friday 6 September, at the Birrificio Altotevere in San Giustino, the venue chosen for the official presentation of the newly formed Volley Altotevere company (which however retains the solid structure of Pallavolo San Giustino) and of the team that for for the third consecutive season Credem Banca will participate in the Serie A3 championship. Gabrio Possenti, always a dynamic host of the events organized by the biancazzurro association, was joined on the occasion by Moira Lena Tassi, an artist who donated a significant work of hers to Volley Altotevere, in which she reproduced the athletic gesture of a volleyball player with the company logo in the center and which was completed with the signatures of the players and technical staff. “We changed the name of the company because permanence at high levels is based on a concept of a united valley, without distinction between the Umbrian and Tuscan parts – reiterated the president Elena Gragnoli and the managing director Claudio Bigi – and the quality of the project that we have set up and which sees us as the main point of reference for this discipline in our territory has already been underlined by the arrival of new members also from the nearby towns, Sansepolcro and Città di Castello and by local sponsors who have fully embraced our line . In short, there are people who want to get closer to us and this is the best prerequisite for guaranteeing continuity for volleyball that counts.” Special attention is paid to the youth sector, another lifeblood for the future: the technical collaboration agreement with New Volley Borgo Sansepolcro fits into this perspective, which provides for participation with a single affiliation code in the Umbrian regional Serie C championship and in the Under 19 youth one. An agreement that will allow athletes born between 2006 and 2010 to be able to compete in the relevant championships and above all to be able to constantly monitor their technical and physical growth. The entire New Volley Borgo Sansepolcro was present at the event with the men’s and women’s representatives and with the president Alessandro Celli, satisfied with the operation and a new member of Volley Altotevere. “Only by thinking from this perspective – remarked CEO Bigi – will we be able to think about recruiting kids who want to play volleyball and become part of the senior team in the future, not forgetting that here too the lure of football is undoubtedly strong”.