Captain or my captain. In a locker room there is always a glue, in Personal Time this role falls to captain Nicolò Bassanello. The libero takes stock of the end of the season: “After a lost final there is always great bitterness – says Nicolò -, it’s a shame to have lost the final, I’m proud of my teammates, we were 11 equal at the tie break. I couldn’t ask for more from the boys, maybe they weren’t stronger, but we were too careful. Congratulations to them for the jump to A2″.

As always, Nicolò puts his optimism and passion into the things he says: “We also played in game two, we lost in the final moments, in Fano there was Umek with problems, in our house however Favaro wasn’t to the best. There were a few too many mistakes at the end of the set, when you get point to point you have to be more lucid, there was a structured team in front of you, stronger and longer than us. When we got to the tie break in game two, I thought we could take the series to a close. Honor to the people of the Marche region for the result achieved. For our part, there is great satisfaction with the result achieved, a great season was had and we should be proud of this. In the end we are all happy with the path taken and the relationships created, the young people have grown. Personal Time was a great championship.”