Campi Reali Cantù’s last joint home training session also ended with a victory, this time 2-1, against Belluno Volley, a team that will participate in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship.

Coach Alessandro Mattiroli starts with Francesco Cottarelli as setter, Marco Novello as opposite, Andrea Galliani and Nicola Tiozzo as spikers, Marco Bragatto and Nicola Candeli as middle blockers, and Luca Butti as libero. In the third set there is room for all the players at his disposal.

In the second set Campi Reali slowly extends their lead (7-5, 12-8, 15-10, 19-13) and maintains the advantage until the end (25-18). In the second set Cantù immediately flies away (8-2, 15-3) and stays ahead until closing (25-14). Situation reversed in the third set, with Belluno escaping immediately (3-7), with the Canturini attempting a comeback (10-11), impacting at 15, 20 and 23, but giving in at the end (23-25).

Campi Reali still did very well at serve (7 aces against 14 errors) and at blocks, with 8 scored (3 for Candeli). Still a little something to fix in reception (41% positive, 17% perfect), while the attack phase remains constant (49%, with peaks of 67% for Galliani and Bacco).

“We still made perhaps a few too many mistakes – says Coach Alessandro Mattiroli –. A bit like last week, the things we pay more attention to during the week don’t go bad, and that’s a good thing. There are still many errors to fix, but I think that’s normal in this period, but I’m quite satisfied for today.”