Of his technical qualities, of his engaging style, he offered essays wherever he stopped to hammer balls on the taraflex. The contact with the A1 in his native Padua, where he modeled, already as a teenager, the fundamentals that proved decisive throughout his career. Potenza Picena and Alessano in A2, then Padua again, A1 again. Two seasons in Porto Viro, before moving to Macerata where he remained for a total of three years. And from Macerata Enrico Lazzaretto travels quickly in his mind, waiting to do it in reality too, towards Reggio Calabria, his first experience in the south after the one he lived in 2017/2018 in Alissano, Puglia.
Today Reggio Calabria welcomes Enrico Lazzaretto, here are his impressions:
“The city is very welcoming.
They welcomed us warmly.
The place is very beautiful.
The Palasport is something spectacular, among the largest and most beautiful in Italy.
We all seem well motivated. Young and motivated.
We all have a great desire to show who we are in this very competitive championship.”

Captain Domenico Laganà said that you are the most experienced player in the group with him and a lot is expected from you. What do you think?

“Being considered “expert” makes it easy to understand the youth of our roster. We are very young. I will try to pass on a little more experience to my young teammates.”