A good test for Allianz Milano, the second of the Milanese pre-season at the Pala Agsm Aim against Rana Verona also in front of a decent audience of fans. Result reversed compared to the first joint training session against Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza, it ends 3-1 for coach Stoychev’s team after a couple of hours of good play. Many positive notes for Allianz Milano starting with the return to the field from the first ball for captain Matteo Piano in the center.

Piazza still without his two opposite roles (Reggers and Barotto) started with Louati diagonally with Porro, Gardini and Otsuka on the side, Piano and Schnitzer central with Catania free. In the role of “opposite receiver” he then played a Gardini set, a Kaziyski and an Otsuka diagonally to Zonta in the fourth and final set. First and second set Verona (the second with the advantages) then Allianz and Rana.