The retreat will begin in August which will see all the Cosedil Saturnia Acicastello players together for the first time in Sicily, but in the meantime what has emerged so far, with painstaking work by the club and technical staff, is a team which the owner of the biancoblu bench, mister Camillo Placì, defines as “an already competitive team like this”.

For the roster to be complete there are still some pieces missing, on which the reserve will be released in these days and, as the coach explains “When we have the complete lineup we will be able to define the positions that concern the central, opposite and setter departments” .

The Saturnia roster brings together experienced players, but also a group of very young volleyball promises. “I like this mix between older players and a group of kids with the enthusiasm of the younger ones, they are like bubbles. – says Placì – It’s a right mix that I’ve already had to deal with in other situations, with these ingredients you can create the right alchemy.”

Conversations held between the coach and the individual athletes: “I told them about the project of this club that wants to quickly return to the Super League, now it’s up to Leucona to evaluate them from a physical point of view and get them ready in Sicily”.

Placì and Leocuna met in Catania last week and the athletic trainer is already ready to contact all the players individually.

“He will analyze everyone’s physical and clinical picture – explains Placì – and will make individual reports. There are those who are busy with the national teams, those like Sabbi, Manavi and Basic who have already resumed training. In any case I don’t want them to arrive in Sicily after a period of idleness, but that they are in good athletic and sporting shape”.