On an unusual day like Thursday, Personal Time achieved a victory against Gamma Chimica Brugherio: “It was a tough match – Daniele Moretti’s comment at the end of the match – especially because they were coming off 4 consecutive victories and we were coming off we hadn’t played for eight days. We started tight, then we loosened up in the serve and the match took the turn we wanted.”

After winning the first, Personal Time also made it 2-0: “The victory in the second set gave us even more confidence. Our opponents changed formation and we had some problems in the third set, then the long break for the video check broke up our playing time. Time that we found again at the end of the set which allowed us to go 3-0 against a young and well-equipped opponent.”

Personal Time added three points which are worth second place behind Gabbiano Mantova: “It’s a full haul that boosts morale after the defeat in the Italian Cup last week. There’s not even time to enjoy this victory as we already have to prepare for Sunday’s very difficult match on the Belluno pitch.”

It will be the first of two consecutive away games, first Belluno, the following week at the PalaSavena in San Lazzaro just outside the Emilian capital with Geetit Bologna.