A 210 cm tall giant attracted the attention of everyone present in the Eurosuole Forum hospitality area. This afternoon the Cucine Lube Civitanova presented the Campania center back Giovanni Maria Gargiulo, born in 1999, originally from Sorrento, to journalists and fans. At his side, as speakers at the conference, the general manager Beppe Cormio and the technician Giampaolo Medei. The management of Lube nel Cuore was also in the room. The president of the Predators, Giuliana Grifantini, gave a red and white scarf to the athlete amid the flashes of the photographers.

For the new entry a three-year period with the cooks thanks to the excellent two-year period in the Gioiella Prisma Taranto, culminating with the final experience in France, at the Turcoing Lille Metropole, fourth force of the transalpine tournament. The federal staff also noticed the athlete’s progress, resulting in the blue call-up at the beginning of May to Rome for a college team. Gratification that did not distract ‘Doctor Gargiulo’ from an important appointment, the Master’s Degree in Sports Science. Qualification achieved on Thursday with 110 cum laude.

The Palmares includes two silver medals with the youth national teams (U19 European Championships in 2017 and U21 World Championships in 2019). Gargiulo’s adventure in the world of volleyball began at the age of 15 in the nursery of Materdominivolley.it Castellana Grotte, where he came to the fore in A2 with the first team, remaining in Puglia for five seasons. Then the leap to the SuperLega with two years at the Tonno Callipo Calabria Vibo Valentia and the move to the Gioiella Prisma Taranto with two signed saves. Finally the parenthesis in France as a reinforcement in Lille.

Giovanni Gargiulo (Cucine Lube Civitanova centre):

“This evening, when I entered the Eurosuole Forum, at the sight of the banners hanging in honor of the red and white titles I felt like a child on the playground. Faced with the story of Lube I was left speechless, I have yet to realize that I am really here. I thank the coach and the general manager for the kind words, I am convinced that we will work well together and that I will be able to make a good contribution to the club from a character and human point of view, but also from a professional and sporting one. I don’t think I have anything exceptional, although I have a lot of determination, there are numerous aspects that I will work on with Medei and the staff. The goal is to put myself at the service of the team and try, together with my teammates, to do my best, thinking one game at a time without setting limits! The national team? First of all I have to do my best for the Club, then hard work always pays off!”.