A certainty you can rely on. The libero Giancarlo Pesare will wear the ABBA Pineto shirt for the fourth consecutive season. Confirmation for the 1995 class originally from Chieti, who over time has become a well-known face and a fixed point in the Pineto roster who achieved salvation in the last Serie A2 Credem Banca championship. The ex from Chieti, Teate Volley, Montesilvano, Gada Group Pescara and Ortona, who arrived in Pineto in the 2021/22 season, will therefore be part of the libero department, whose completion will come with the official announcements in the next few days.

“I am honored to wear the Pineto shirt for the fourth consecutive year – said Giancarlo Pesare – for what now represents a second family for me. We have certainly come from a difficult season and the desire for redemption is great. I can’t wait to hug all the fans again and see the Pala Santa Maria on fire again.”