After challenging her, and frightening her, in the recent semi-final of the Junior League at the helm of Gamma Chimica Brugherio, next season Giacomo Selleri will wear the Ravenna shirt. The 18-year-old from Merate, born in 2005 – he will turn 19 on September 30th – is the player identified by Marco Bonitta to complete the setter department, alongside Antonino Russo, his opponent in the Junior League.
“I already knew Antonino having participated together with some collegiate youth teams – explains Selleri – then we happened to exchange a few words about Ravenna. I know I will find a beautiful and passionate environment, and a team with many young people: it will be a pleasure to work and train with them.”
Fresh from two years of A3 with Brugherio, in which he scored 82 points, with 39 aces and 25 blocks, Selleri already boasts a good path at youth level: in 2021/22 with his team he won the Junior League and with the national Under 18 team won the European category title. in Georgia.
He is currently on retreat with the Under 20 national team in Camigliatello Silano in preparation for the European Championships scheduled from 26 August to 7 September in Greece and Serbia.
“Mine will be a very busy but also very stimulating summer. With the national teams I have already gained several satisfactions, if I also think about the seventh place at the World Championships, now I hope to celebrate another victory. I will certainly arrive in Ravenna very recharged and motivated, and I hope to have the gold around my neck. A crucial season awaits me for my sporting and human career, given that it will be my first experience away from Lombardy. I couldn’t wait to start this new chapter in my life: I’m aware that a very big change awaits me, also given the jump in category and the level of A2, but I’m ready.”