His name is Gabriel Galiano, he turned 18 last February and is 203 centimeters tall, the young man that ErmGroup San Giustino has identified to strengthen the central team in view of the next Serie A3 Credem Banca championship. From Castellana Grotte in Puglia, he started playing volleyball as a child, growing up in the youth teams of his city’s club, Materdomini; two years ago the greatest satisfaction for him: the Italian Under 19 title with Matervolley, also from Castellana Grotte, at the end of the final won 3-0 over the Diavoli Rosa Brugherio. And again with Matervolley he was a starter in the last three seasons in Serie B, before the Sangiustinese management noticed him at work in May during the national Under 19 finals. For him too, like Daniele Carpita, it is the first experience outside the region and therefore far from home. “I am very satisfied and enthusiastic about this call – said Galiano – because joining the roster of an A3 club means having a great opportunity to make the leap in quality”. What is Galiano’s best shot? “The first half – the player replies immediately – but I also go to the block and try to improve on this fundamental”. You had the opportunity to make a first approach to the San Giustino environment through the finals in May and even some of the new teammates are old acquaintances for you. “Yes, I was positively impressed by the place where I will come to play, also by the quality of its facilities. And then, I know both Daniele Carpita and Paolo Battaglia well: I have always faced them as opponents, but this time we will belong to the same team.” Sports director Valdemaro Gustinelli is convinced of the completed operation: “The choice of Galiano has its roots in the moment in which, in agreement with the technical staff, we decided to focus on very young profiles to complete the center back package. The decision – adds the biancazzurro director – is the result of a very accurate evaluation in the construction of next season’s roster: we are extremely convinced of the fact that Gabriel will be able to grow and mature in complete tranquility in an environment like ours, in which he will have the opportunity to enrich his wealth of experience and individual technique with the utmost serenity, but at the same time we expect great things from the boy.”