Everything is ready for the start of Gabbiano Mantova’s second season in the A3 Credem Banca series, after a decidedly positive first year, culminating with the promotion play-off, the final of the Del Monte Supercoppa and the Final Four of the Del Monte Coppa Italia.

Now we turn the page and wait for the calendars, which will be published on Thursday in Bologna, at the end of the three days of volleyball market, but with some possible innovations as president Paolo Fattori confirms: «Many teams have not registered or have the sports title has been sold, and there are 21 registrations compared to 26 last season. Then let’s see what the League will tell us regarding the playoffs and relegations. I believe that this situation should lead to reflection.”

Gabbiano will try to repeat itself, but it won’t be easy: «All the strongest teams – continues Fattori – are in the northern group. Belluno, Acqui Terme, San Giustino and Sarroch have strengthened, and let’s not forget San Donà, finalist in the playoffs. We are waiting to know the calendar.”

Fattori then talks about the new championship and the choices made: «I believe that a team of reasonable depth has been set up, now that we are complete, choosing the line of continuity but at the same time rejuvenating the staff. In fact, the two new liberos Marini and Bini are very young, and the two setters Depalma and Catellani are also young. We are also focusing a lot on Parolari, in his second year with us.”

Regarding the new additions «Pinali arrives as an expert and finished player, an excellent jumper and jumper. Baldazzi is a different opposite to Novello, less powerful but with more attacks in attack, more technical.” We asked president Fattori why so many players, 9 out of 14, were reconfirmed: «For a few years we have had a backbone of staff and team that has led us to these results, and we have decided to continue with players who are also excellent for us people, and they demonstrated it in a healthy group that has given us and can still give us a lot of satisfaction.”