He was born in Bologna but practically never lived in the city because when he was a few months old his family decided to move to Milan where he spent practically his entire childhood. He approached the world of volleyball right in the Lombardy capital and at 22 years old he is now ready for his first exciting experience in Serie A2. Francesco Minelli, setter born in 2002, is the new signing of Wow Green House Aversa. President Sergio Di Meo and sporting director Alberico Vitullo have in fact completed the setter department with Garnica who will certainly be able to ‘give’ some tricks of the trade to the younger teammate who has nevertheless demonstrated – over the years – that he is worthy of the Series A and to be in an important growth phase.
Minelli began to approach youth volleyball with Pallavolo Milano Vittorio Veneto and then at 18 he received his first important call, that of the men’s Serie B, with Sitprime Bresso who entrusted him with the control room. An intense year that allows the newly adult to immediately make himself appreciated and climb a category, in the 22/23 season he moved to Moyashi Garlasco, for his first experience in Serie A3 Credem Banca, not even that far from home. Then he practically returns home, given that – as a twist of fate – he is called by Geetit Bologna and finds himself in Emilia Romagna, in the city that gave him birth, for a new experience in A3.
Now there is Aversa, there is the South and there is Serie A2. A new fascinating adventure, we will soon meet Francesco at PalaJacazzi. He will be an integral part of a group that wants to do great things. Welcome, let’s win together!