The time has come to say goodbye for Francesco Guastamacchia. The central defender, who was one of the strong points of the group coached by Daniele Moretti, will play elsewhere next season. President Fabio Zuliani and all the management staff wish Francesco the best satisfaction for the continuation of his competitive career. Thanks for everything Francesco.

These are his words of farewell: “The one that has just ended – comments Guastamacchia – was a season of growth on both a volleyball and technical level thanks to the coach and his teammates.  I met a lot of amazing people. It was really important for me to play with the Personal Time shirt.”

Then he adds: “I thank all the staff, the management and above all the public, I hope they are entertained. It was a pleasure to play here in San Donà, thank you all so much for the support, I will always take you with me.”