The two more than deserved confirmations of Andrea Mattei and Marco Cubito, the international coup constituted by the Canadian Danny Demyanenko and now, to complete the middle blocker department, the Yuasa Battery presents itself with the talent of Francesco Comparoni. In fact, the giant from Parma, born in 2001 and measuring 204 cm, will be the young man on whom Grottazzolina has decided to focus decisively, in the firm awareness that the time has come for him to definitively establish himself in the queen category of volleyball.

The athlete, owned by the Vero Volley Consortium and fresh from a season of growth played in Monza, with which he reached the Scudetto final and played in the CEV Challenge Cup, arrives recharged at his first experience in the Yuasa Battery jersey, as he himself reveals: “I can’t wait to start this new season, in which I will do everything in my power to earn a place as a protagonist. I am convinced that we can have a good championship and confirm the category, personally I hope to play a lot and do well because the team result necessarily depends on the performance of each of us”.