With the “yes” pronounced for the fourth consecutive year, spiker Ridas Skuodis has become one of the veterans of ErmGroup San Giustino. The striker of Lithuanian origin, born in 1995, had already gained first experience in the Serie A3 Credem Banca championship with the Maury’s Com Cavi Tuscania shirt, before arriving at San Giustino in B in the summer of 2021 and his personal balance in the current category he has 77 appearances, 50 of which in blue and white for a total of 306 points, 35 aces and 38 winning blocks. In addition to being decisive in more than one circumstance from nine meters (see the comeback against Modica from 11-14 to the tie-break), he extended his contribution to reception and defense. Also last year, after an initial phase which did not see him in the starting 6+1, he became a permanent starter in place 4 with the injury of Simone Marzolla and the move of Niccolò Cappelletti to the opposite role. An authentic “soldier” ready to do everything for the team’s cause and the management has fully recognized his merits: this is Ridas Skuodis. “I’m really happy to have stayed – declared the spiker – and I have to be grateful to this club for the behavior it has always had towards me”. New season and competition in place 4 coming back? “Yes, it has always been like this, but when there is commitment and determination, space comes for everyone, so from this point of view I am now prepared”. What role can ErmGroup play in the next championship? “Bragatto and Wawrzynczyk have left, Marra is no longer in the libero role even though we can count on Poconi, but for the rest we are the same: the structure has remained substantially unchanged and I think that this team also has the requirements to maintain itself at high levels. If Marzolla were to be fully recovered, pay attention to San Giustino!”.

The spiker Stanislaw Wawrzynczyk is no longer part of the staff of ErmGroup San Giustino. The entire club staff thanks the player for the commitment and professionalism demonstrated during the past season and wishes him and his family the best of luck.