Fourth season at Diavoli Rosa which for the class of 2003, Luca Consonni, coincides with the engagement in the role of leading actor; in fact, the time has come to take over the team as defender of the second line of the Serie A3 of the Pink Devils in the 2024/25 season by Credem Banca.

Luca Consonni, a versatile and complete player, with a technical solidity capable of reassuring and stabilizing the team, has a winning path behind him in the youth team of the Pink Devils, vice-champion of Italy Under 19, Champion of Italy Under 20 in the Junior League in the season 2021/22, and is now ready to make its way onto the A3 Series Taraflex too.

A spiker by training, over these years he has shown off his important technical qualities in the second line, so much so that last year we were able to appreciate him as the guardian of the second line arm in arm with Marini.

Consonni’s metamorphosis is now coming to fruition and after two years of apprenticeship his time has come.

For the 2024/25 season Luca Consonni will be the libero of the Serie A3 of the Pink Devils.

Sports Director Roberto Quintieri: “It’s an excellent opportunity for a Devil like him, linked to the club and raised with us. He has always given us a fundamental hand in Serie A, especially last season, starting to gain confidence with the role, but this year his presence will be even more important as he has to lead the second line and help the younger group grow. Luca is a boy with a wonderful character, talented and with very important technical skills. We expect great things from him but we are certain he will be able to live up to this role.”

Luca Consonni’s greeting: “Next will be my third season in Serie A3 wearing the Diavoli jersey. When the confirmation arrived I couldn’t help but be more enthusiastic, especially for the great challenge I will face: covering the role of free starter. It may seem easy to move from the role of spiker to that of libero but it is not at all and if today I feel ready and excited to face the next championship it is thanks to coach Delmati, Piazza and the rest of the staff for the intense work done last season and to my former teammate Andrea Marini for whom I have a lot of respect and from whom I tried to learn as much as possible. As usual, by now, we present ourselves with a very young team but certainly more than competitive and ready to sweat in every training session and match.