The meeting in view of the 2024-2025 season is eight days away (the meeting is set for Friday 2 August), the technical staff has already started preparing the programs for the preseason activity of Gas Sales Bluenergy Piacenza some time ago.

For the fourth consecutive year, athletic trainer Davide Grigoletto will take care of the performances of the red and white athletes. Veneto, originally from Treviso, Grigoletto boasts a highly respectable CV and long experience in the world of sport that make him a great professional, known in the environment as dedicated to work and attention to detail.

Grigoletto has held the role of contract professor of “Training Methodology” at the University of Padua for over ten years where he was also responsible for the Exercise Physiology and Nutrition Laboratory and continues to do so today. research and publication of scientific articles on sports performance.

Born in 1977, Grigoletto began his career at Sisley Treviso, was part of the staff of the Junior National Team, winning a bronze at the 2006 European Championships. At the end of his Italian experience he moved abroad to Jastrzebski Wiegel in Poland and then returned in Italy in Trento, with the gialloblù he won the scudetto and the Champions League. In 2009 it was his turn to return to Sisley, first in Treviso where he won the Cev Cup and then in Belluno until 2012. As a consultant he also worked for Volley Padova and Imoco Volley.

In 2020 he joined the technical staff of the Swiss national team with which he still collaborates.

Davide Grigoletto: “They will be different weeks from those we have usually experienced in previous years in this period, partly because we will start much earlier than in the past and partly because for once we will have all the players available already at the end of August. There are many new players, at the beginning we will do everything to get to know them as best as possible, collecting, in this first phase, all types of data that can allow us to put each player in the best conditions to work at their best. Towards the end of August the athletes who participated in the Olympics will arrive, here too we will have to work differently on the players who made it to the end in the competition or those who only played the qualifiers. Everyone will be guaranteed the right recovery, then we will make a series of assessments to put them in the best conditions in the short time we will have before the Super Cup.”