Fondazione Taranto 25 will continue to support Gioiella Prisma Volley as an official sponsor.

The Foundation is a network of entrepreneurs, professionals and Ionian citizens, established as an association in January 2020, with the aim of creating new and significant opportunities for the territory.

Taranto25 Foundation is led by a well-structured board of directors which includes the President Fabio Tagarelli, the Vice President Ennio Barnaba, the Secretary Fiorella Occhinegro, the President Emeritus Angelo Vozza and the Treasurer Renato Galeone.

The Foundation has been collaborating with the Ionian team for five years now, being a partner and friend of Prisma Volley, ever since Elisabetta Zelatore and Tonio Bongiovanni relaunched their commitment to the world of volleyball.

Taranto 25 is an association made up of around eighty members, of which 50 ordinary members who provide significant economic support to the city every year. For four years, everyone has been paying a share for an important project, aimed at investing in the happiness of the area, supporting cultural, sporting and scholastic realities of Taranto.

One of the themes dearest to the Taranto25 Foundation is sport: in addition to supporting Prisma Volley, it supports more than 30 sports clubs of different disciplines in the city. This method works because investment in the common good is a powerful tool for the growth of the territory. Active citizenship must do its part, alongside the institutions, to unite the city in this aim. With a long-term project, Taranto 25 is today one of the most active realities in the city and the province.