With yesterday morning’s training, Avimecc Modica completed the first week of work in view of the next A3 series championship which will start on October 13th.

The old and new blue and whites began to work with dedication under the watchful eye of coach Enzo Distefano and his staff who after the first six days of “hard work” granted the team a day and a half of rest.

In fact, after breaking ranks on Saturday at midday, Chillemi and his teammates will meet again on Monday morning at the “PalaRizza” to begin the second week of preparation.

The coach of the “Galletti” is satisfied with how the group is responding to the requests of his technical staff after the first days of training which have served above all to get rid of the “summer toxins” and to amalgamate the team group.

“Let’s talk about the group straight away – explains the Avimecc Modica coach – because it’s starting to take shape. Naturally the boys are starting to get to know each other on and off the pitch which at the moment says little because the first week is the one in which the trainers work the most, the loads start to increase and therefore we technicians in these first training sessions work little with the ball, but to we will have the opportunity to do the technical-tactical part later. Returning to the amalgamation of the group – he continues – a fundamental aspect will be the presence of the hard core of the team who has been reconfirmed not only for his technical values ​​but also for his human ones. They will have to be the first to drive the group in these weeks because these are the most important and the most difficult from the point of view of the approach to the season and the workloads are important. The new arrivals – concludes Enzo Distefano – are all choices made by the undersigned and shared by the company and all our objectives have been achieved. They are all valid players and they have demonstrated this in recent seasons against us too, so I am satisfied with the roster that we have managed to build so far.”