The first week of work within the EnergyTime Spike Devils Campobasso team came to an end with the Friday evening session.

For the ‘little devils’ a weekend of rest before leaving again on Monday for the second week, also a time to get closer to what will be the first seasonal test on 12 September in Aversa.

«We experienced a first week without any hitches – the analysis of the coach Mariano Maniscalco – everything went well and we are happy with what we managed to do between technique and physical preparation with work also of a preventive nature on the beach».

On the strictly volleyball front, in addition to the focus on fundamentals, Friday’s session also brought with it a minimum of play, a prologue to what will be a path more similar to tactics starting next week.

«We have a group that has a great desire to work and strong dedication and this is an aspect of no small importance, as is the determination that everyone brings to the field, a decisive quality in this context».

Regarding the work that awaits his team in the second week, Maniscalco is very concrete. «We will experience training sessions more focused on the technical-tactical aspect, on understanding and skills with a series of ‘six against six’ within the sessions. After all, the first friendly will be around the corner and the sessions will not be very numerous. Therefore, it will be appropriate to include all aspects of the game on which to have initial feedback in that circumstance and then continue with a specific work plan.”