The first month of preparation for the Rinascita Volley Lagonegro is archived.

Coach Pino Lorizio’s team is rapidly approaching their championship debut on October 13th, the daily work is helping the group to consolidate tactically and find the best possible physical condition.

Four intense weeks, divided between the weight room, swimming pool and arena: especially in the second part, the technical staff increased the loads in the gym with particular attention to the tactical sessions on the field.

“It’s been a very tough month – admits libero Nicola Fortunato – after the end of the last championship, in the summer months, we kept in shape with personalized training schedules, but starting again at full capacity is always complicated. We have used these weeks to get to know each other, many new guys have arrived: to become a great team it is essential to be a great group: getting to know each other also and above all from a character perspective is of vital importance”.

In recent days, the bar has been raised considerably in training sessions: “We have increased the engine revs – explains the libero from Lagonegre – I believe that the last week was the most productive from all points of view: the team he is responding very well, we make ourselves completely available to the coach with enthusiasm and a great desire to work, despite the fatigue.”